Top Betting Strategies Followed By Successful Sports Handicappers

Sports Betting

Top Betting Strategies Followed By Successful Sports Handicappers

  1. Bankroll management: Successful sports handicappers manage their bankroll effectively, setting limits on the amount they are willing to wager on each game and never risking more than they can afford to lose.
  2. Specialization: Many successful handicappers specialize in a particular sport or league, allowing them to gain a deep understanding of the teams, players, and trends within that sport.
  3. Line shopping: Handicappers compare lines from different sportsbooks to find the best value and to ensure they are getting the best price on their bets.
  4. Using multiple sources of information: Successful handicappers use a variety of sources to gather information and insights on games, including watching games, reading news articles, and consulting with other experts in the field.
  5. Emphasis on long-term profitability: Handicappers who are successful tend to be patient and focus on long-term profitability rather than trying to make a quick profit.
  6. Stay discipline and avoid emotional betting: Emotional betting is one of the biggest reasons for failure, successful handicappers stay discipline on their strategy and avoid impulsive betting.
  7. Keep records: Successful handicappers keep detailed records of their bets, including the teams, the odds, and the outcomes, in order to track their performance and make adjustments to their strategy as needed.


Sports handicapping is the practice of predicting the outcome of sporting events and placing bets accordingly. Successful sports handicappers use a variety of strategies to gain an edge over the bookmakers and make profitable bets. Some of the top strategies followed by successful sports handicappers include bankroll management, specialization, line shopping, using multiple sources of information, emphasis on long-term profitability, avoiding emotional betting, and keeping detailed records of their bets.

Why You Should Follow A Betting Strategy?

There are several reasons why it is important to follow a betting strategy when placing bets on sports:

  1. It helps you stay disciplined: A betting strategy provides a set of guidelines to follow when placing bets, which can help you avoid impulsive or emotional decisions that may lead to losing money.
  2. It increases your chances of winning: A well-designed betting strategy takes into account various factors such as statistics, team performance, and trends that can give you an edge over the bookmakers.
  3. It helps you manage your bankroll: A good betting strategy should include a plan for managing your bankroll, which helps you avoid overspending and ensures that you have enough funds to continue placing bets.
  4. It helps you evaluate your performance: A betting strategy allows you to keep track of your bets and evaluate your performance over time, which can help you identify areas where you can improve your strategy.
  5. It keeps you focus on long-term profitability: A betting strategy helps you stay focus on your long-term financial goals, which is more important than short-term gains or losses.

Overall, following a betting strategy can help you make more informed decisions, increase your chances of winning, and manage your bankroll more effectively, leading to long-term profitability.

Try To Focus On One Team

Focusing on one team can be a useful strategy for sports handicappers for several reasons:

  1. It allows you to gain a deep understanding of the team: By focusing on one team, you can become an expert on their strengths, weaknesses, and overall performance. This can give you an edge when predicting the outcome of their games.
  2. It helps you identify trends and patterns: By following one team closely, you can identify trends and patterns in their performance that may not be obvious to someone who is less familiar with the team.
  3. It allows you to track the team’s performance over time: By focusing on one team, you can track their performance over the course of a season, which can help you identify key factors that may be affecting their performance.
  4. It helps you stay focus and avoid emotional betting: If you’re following one team, you’re less likely to be swayed by other teams or games, this way you’re less likely to make emotional betting decisions.
  5. It allows you to develop specialized knowledge: Specializing in one team can help you develop specialized knowledge that can give you an edge over other handicappers who may not have the same level of expertise.

However, it’s important to note that focusing on one team exclusively may limit your options for betting and you should also consider other factors such as overall performance of other teams, injuries or other special circumstances that could influence the outcome of the game.

Bet Against The Public

Betting against the public, also known as “fading the public,” is a strategy that involves placing bets on teams or outcomes that are not popular among the general public. The idea behind this strategy is that the public often makes emotional or uninformed decisions when placing bets, which can lead to poor value bets and an overvaluation of certain teams. By betting against the public, a handicapper can potentially take advantage of these biases and find value in betting on the less popular team or outcome.

However, it’s important to note that this strategy is not without its risks. The public may not always be wrong, and betting against the crowd can lead to losses if the popular team or outcome ultimately wins. Additionally, this strategy may not be suitable for all handicappers, as it requires a certain level of knowledge and expertise to correctly identify situations where the public is overvaluing a team or outcome.

It also important to consider the odds movement, if the odds are moving significantly in one direction it could be a sign that the bookmakers are aware of a situation that the public is not, and therefore betting against the public may not be the best option.

In summary, betting against the public can be a useful strategy for sports handicappers, but it should be used with caution and as part of a larger betting strategy that takes into account other factors as well.

Bet With 1-2% of Your Bankroll

Managing your bankroll is an important aspect of sports handicapping, and one strategy that is often recommended is to bet with a small percentage of your overall bankroll. Specifically, many experts recommend betting with 1-2% of your bankroll on each individual bet.

The reasoning behind this strategy is that it helps you avoid losing all of your bankroll in a single bad bet, and allows you to maintain a consistent level of betting even in the face of losing streaks. If you stick to this strategy, you’ll be able to survive a losing streak without going broke and still have enough money to make smart bets in the future.

Additionally, this strategy also helps you to avoid the emotional betting that could lead to overspending. By only betting a small percentage of your bankroll on each bet, you’re less likely to let emotions cloud your judgment and make impulsive or irrational decisions.

However, it’s important to note that this strategy is not a guarantee of profitability, and you may still experience losses even if you stick to it. Additionally, it’s important to adjust the percentage based on your overall bankroll and the volatility of the sport you’re betting on.

In summary, betting with 1-2% of your bankroll on each individual bet is a good strategy for managing your bankroll and avoiding emotional betting. However, it should be used in conjunction with other strategies such as using a betting system or following a specific betting strategy.

Take Advantage of Technology

Taking advantage of technology can be a useful strategy for sports handicappers, as it can provide access to a wide range of information and tools that can help you make more informed and accurate predictions.

  1. Data analysis: Technology has made it easier to collect and analyze large amounts of data, which can be used to identify patterns and trends that can help you make more accurate predictions. For example, advanced analytics can be used to track player performance, team statistics, and other factors that can impact the outcome of a game.
  2. Automated betting software: There are several software available for automated betting, these software can help you make more consistent and efficient bets, by monitoring odds and line movements, and providing alerts when good opportunities are identified.
  3. Social media and news updates: Technology has made it easier to stay up-to-date on the latest news and updates related to a team or league. Social media and news updates can provide valuable information on player injuries, team dynamics, and other factors that can impact the outcome of a game.
  4. Live streaming: Technology has made it possible to watch live streams of games, which can be useful for handicappers looking to get a better sense of how a team is performing in real-time.

It’s important to note that technology should be used as a tool to assist in your overall strategy, and not replace your own knowledge and expertise. Additionally, it’s important to use multiple sources of information and to verify the accuracy of the information you are using.

In summary, technology can be a valuable tool for sports handicappers, as it can provide access to a wide range of information and tools that can help you make more informed and accurate predictions. However, it should be used in conjunction with other strategies and should not replace your own knowledge and expertise.

Follow The Weather

Following the weather can be an important strategy for sports handicappers, as it can have a significant impact on the outcome of a game. Weather conditions such as wind, rain, and snow can affect the performance of players and teams, and can also change the way a game is played.

  1. Wind: Strong winds can make it difficult for teams to pass the ball, which can lead to a more run-heavy game. In addition, wind can also affect the trajectory of kicks, which can impact the outcome of field goal attempts and punts.
  2. Rain: Rain can make the playing surface slippery, which can lead to more fumbles and turnovers. Rain can also make it difficult for teams to pass the ball, which can lead to a more run-heavy game.
  3. Snow: Snow can make the playing surface slippery, which can lead to more fumbles and turnovers. Snow can also make it difficult for teams to pass the ball, which can lead to a more run-heavy game.
  4. Temperature: Extreme temperatures can also affect the performance of players, teams that are not accustomed to playing in extreme temperatures may struggle in comparison to the teams that are used to it.

It’s important to keep in mind that not all teams are affected equally by the weather, teams that have a strong running game may be less affected by bad weather conditions than teams that rely heavily on passing.

In summary, following the weather can be an important strategy for sports handicappers, as it can have a significant impact on the outcome of a game. Weather conditions such as wind, rain, and snow can affect the performance of players and teams, and can also change the way a game is played. However, it’s important to consider how the specific teams are affected by the weather conditions and how it fits in with the overall strategy.

Make Use of Betting Systems

Using betting systems can be a useful strategy for sports handicappers, as it can help you make more informed and consistent predictions. A betting system is a set of rules or guidelines that you follow when making bets, and there are a variety of different systems available to choose from.

  1. Martingale: The Martingale system involves doubling your bet after a loss, in order to recoup your losses and make a profit. This system can be risky, as it requires a large bankroll and the ability to withstand a long losing streak.
  2. Fibonacci: The Fibonacci system involves using a progression of numbers, similar to the Fibonacci sequence, to determine the size of your bets. This system can help you avoid risking too much of your bankroll on a single bet, and can also help you recover losses more quickly.
  3. Kelly Criterion: The Kelly Criterion is a betting system that uses a mathematical formula to determine the optimal size of your bets based on the probability of winning and the payout odds. This system can help you maximize your returns over the long term.
  4. Trend betting: Trend betting involves identifying patterns in the way a team or player has performed in the past, and using that information to make predictions about their future performance. This system can be useful for identifying teams or players that are on a hot streak or in a slump.

It’s important to keep in mind that no betting system is foolproof, and that any system can have losing streaks. Additionally, different betting systems may be better suited for different sports or types of bets. It’s important to research and understand the system before using it and to adjust it to fit your own risk tolerance and bankroll management strategy.

In summary, using betting systems can be a useful strategy for sports handicappers, as it can help you make more informed and consistent predictions. There are a variety of different systems available, such as Martingale, Fibonacci, Kelly Criterion, and trend betting, each with its own set of pros and cons. However, it’s important to research and understand the system before using it and to adjust it to fit your own risk tolerance and bankroll management strategy.

Subscribe To Reliable Sports Picks

Subscribing to reliable sports picks can be a useful strategy for sports handicappers, as it can provide you with valuable information and insights to help you make more informed predictions. However, it’s important to be cautious when selecting a sports pick service, as there are many services available that provide unreliable or inaccurate information.

  1. Look for a reputable service: Check for reviews and testimonials from other users, and look for a service that has been in business for a while.
  2. Consider the track record: Look at the service’s historical performance, to see how accurate their predictions have been in the past.
  3. Look for transparency: A reputable service will be transparent about their methodology and how they make their predictions, and should also be willing to provide proof of their performance.
  4. Compare the cost: Compare the cost of different sports pick services, to ensure that you are getting good value for your money.
  5. Check the type of picks: Some services may only provide picks for certain sports or leagues, and may not be suitable for your needs.

It’s important to keep in mind that no sports pick service can guarantee a 100% success rate, and that it’s important to do your own research and analysis as well. Additionally, you need to have your own risk management and bankroll management strategy and not rely on pick services entirely.

In summary, subscribing to reliable sports picks can be a useful strategy for sports handicappers, as it can provide you with valuable information and insights to help you make more informed predictions. However, it’s important to be cautious when selecting a sports pick service and to look for a reputable service with a good track record, transparency and reasonable cost. Additionally, you need to have your own risk management and bankroll management strategy and not rely on pick services entirely.


In conclusion, there are a variety of betting strategies that can be used by successful sports handicappers. These include focusing on one team, betting against the public, betting with 1-2% of your bankroll, taking advantage of technology, following the weather, making use of betting systems and subscribing to reliable sports picks. However, it is important to note that no strategy is foolproof and that it is important to have a solid risk and bankroll management strategy. Additionally, it is crucial to do your own research and analysis, and to not rely entirely on any one strategy or pick service.


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